Well, I got bad news when they looked at the CT scan done at the last post. The gold fiducials there were inserted are NOT in the tumor like they are supposed to be.
So I had to go back in for yet another CT scan. The good news was that the tumor doesn't move very much when I breathe so we are good to go for the CyberKnife.
The bad news was that they couldn't get it started until October 28.
But more info: We are going home! After 2 years we are returning to Oklahoma for about 6 months. We officially will be relieved from our job on Monday, November 4 at 6:30 am (after working Sunday and Sunday night).
Our replacements will be here on Sunday for us to go over the paperwork so they know what they need to do. The job will actually last until Thanksgiving but I need to be in Oklahoma starting my treatments on the bone marrow cancer before that.
Our friend will work for us tomorrow so we can both go to church (at the same time). Our friends at church want to have lunch with both of us to say goodbye and we are really looking forward to it. Not the saying goodbye but having lunch with all the friends and especially being in church together.
My Cyberknife will be Monday at 9:30 am and the Tuesday and Wednesday at a time to be determined after the first visit. I have been told that I may be on the table for up to three hours (flat on my back). But we hope that it will not be that long. The length of time will determine what time the appointments will be on Tuesday and Wednesday.
I also have an appointment with Dr. Aljadir Monday (at 9:15 am). I have contacted them and they are going to accommodate me to see the doctor when I am finished with the CyberKnife. From him I hope to learn who I am to see in Oklahoma and when. Then I have to change my insurance so I have coverage to the doctor that I am to see there.
More Good News: Social Security determined that I would get more money than they first thought which will certainly help since we will not be working on a job.
God is so GOOD. He is taking care of everything.
When we leave Tennessee we are going to our son Robert's for a long weekend. Then on to Oklahoma City.
Have a great day everyone. I know I will.
Can't wait for you guys to come home!